Latest Thoughts
Obviously this is a broad generalization.
As I have grown older I have come to some conclusions. 1- Everyone acts like they know what they are doing 2- No one knows what they are doing. I think we all need to do a better job of remember these things. We expect others to forgive us, that we are human and make mistakes. But when it comes to others we cannot remember that they make mistakes. Everyone else is figuring this life thing out too. This can be translated to relationships as well. We are all figuring this stuff out too.
I pose this question: If girls want a great guy to take care of them, and for them to learn and grow with. Why do they choose to share their life with these "project men" when there are better men out there. But most of the better man out their are forced to act like project men, because "if you let on that you like a girl they will freak out." I think we are to the age where we need to be straight forward with people. If you like someone show it. Don't act like you don't, and hope that they might pick up on your "hints". You want something go get it. You guys want to know a secret everyone is scared. There it is out there. So now that we all know that, lets all stop acting they way were are and progress.
I will address a lot of this later in my Book. But I wanted to get some of it off my chest so I could go to sleep tonight. I accept that my gender hasn't made it the easiest on women, but I don't think playing games is the way to solve that.
Anyone who reads this feel free to give constructive criticism.